

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Riding On Weak Legs

Oh man! Today's ride totally kicked my ass. We went about 57 miles, and it was mostly flat. It probably wouldn't have been a problem for me at all if I hadn't started out tired.

I did way too much with my legs yesterday. I rode my bike (the fixed gear) about 5 miles just getting from one place to another all day. I worked in the morning then went to a dance workshop, went swimming and then went out dancing again. After all that my legs were completely worn out by the time I went to bed, and it carried on into this morning.

I figured that riding tired today was good practice for the MS 150 that we're riding next weekend. The plan is to ride 75 miles on Saturday and then another 75 on Sunday. I imagine we'll be a little worn out for the 75 on Sunday. I think it will be fine as long as there aren't too many hills. That's what really killed me today- going up hills.

It was not a bad ride though. I finished the full 55, so that's optimistic. If I'm this tired next Sunday, I'm pretty sure I can will myself another 20 miles past what we did today. It will be a great adventure to see what happens.

As long as we're talking about the MS 150, I have to urge you to donate a little. It's a really good cause.

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